- 姓名: 管桦
- 性别: 男
- 职称: 研究员
- 职务:
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 电话: 027-87197312
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: guanhua@wipm.ac.cn
- 所属部门: 原子频率标准研究部
- 通讯地址: 湖北省武汉市武昌区小洪山西30号
2001年7月毕业于华中科技大学物理系,获学士学位;毕业后被保送到中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,进入波谱与原子分子物理国家重点实验室,2007年1月毕业获博士学位。2007年2 月至今在中科院武汉物数所工作。曾2次(2008.11-2009.4,2009.12-2010.6)到美国国家技术标准局(NIST)进行交流访问。
简 历:
- 中国计量测试学会时间频率专业委员会委员(2015-2020);
1. Y. Huang, H. Guan*, M. Zeng, L. Tang, and K. Gao*, 40Ca+ ion optical clock with micromotion-induced shifts below 1 × 10?18, Phys Rev A 99, 011401(R) (2019).
2. Hong-Fang Song, Yong-Bo Tang, Shao-Long Chen, Li-Jun Du, Yao Huang, Hua Guan*, and Ke-Lin Gao*, Combined experimental and theoretical probe of the branching fractions of the 4P3/2 state in 40Ca+, Phys Rev A, 100, 052505 (2019).3. H. Shao, Y. Huang, H. Guan*, C. Li, T. Shi, and K. Gao*, Precise determination of the quadrupole transition matrix element of 40Ca+ via branching-fraction and lifetime measurements, Phys. Rev. A 95, 053415 (2017).4. Huang Yao,Guan Hua*,Liu Pei-Liang,Bian Wu,Ma Long-Sheng,Liang Kun,Li Tian-Chu,Gao Ke-Lin*,Frequency Comparison of Two 40Ca+ Optical Clocks with an Uncertainty at the 10-17 Level,Physical Review Letters, 116, 013001 (2016).5. H. Shao, Y. Huang, H. Guan*, Y. Qian, and K. Gao*, Precision measurement of the 3d 2D3/2-state lifetime in a single trapped 40Ca+, Physical Review A, 94, 042507 (2016).6. Liu Pei-Liang, Huang Yao, Bian Wu, Shao Hu, Guan Hua*, Tang Yong-Bo, Li Cheng-Bin, Mitroy J., Gao Ke-Lin*, Measurement of Magic Wavelengths for the 40Ca+ Clock Transition, Physical Review Letters, 114, 223001 (2015).7. Guan Hua, Shao Hu, Qian Yuan, Huang Yao, Liu Pei-Liang, Bian Wu, Li Cheng-Bin, Sahoo B. K., Gao Ke-Lin*, Combined experimental and theoretical probe of the lifetime of the 3d 2D5/2 state in 40Ca+, Physical Review A, 91, 022511 (2015).8. Y. Huang, J. Cao, P. Liu, K. Liang, B. Ou, H. Guan, X. Huang, T. Li and K. Gao*, Hertz-level Measurement of the 40Ca+ 4s 2S1/2-3d 2D5/2 Clock Transition Frequency With Respect to the SI Second through GPS, Physical Review A, 85, 030503(R) (2012).9. Yao Huang, Qu Liu, Jian Cao, Baoquan Ou, Peiliang Liu, Hua Guan, Xueren Huang, and Kelin Gao*. Evaluation of the systematic shifts of a single 40Ca+ ion frequency standard, Physical Review A, 84,053841(2012).