
- 姓名: 袁运斌
- 性别: 男
- 职称: 研究员
- 职务: 国家重点实验室副主任
- 学历: 博士
- 电话:
- 传真: 027-68881362
- 电子邮件: yybgps@whigg.ac.cn
- 所属部门: 测量与导航研究部
- 通讯地址: 湖北省武汉市武昌区徐东大街340号
- 江西余干人,中共党员,博士,研究员,主要从事GPS测量理论、方法、技术与应用研究。学习简历1991.9~1995.7: 山东科技大学地球科学系,获测量工程学士学位1995.9~1998:中科院测地所,攻读大地测量学与测量工程硕士学位1995.9~1996.7: 同济大学学习研究生基础课程学习1998.3~2002.6:中科院测地所,转入攻读大地测量学与测量工程博士学位2000.5~2001.5: 丹麦哥本哈根大学留学访问,按期回国工作简历2002.7-2002.9:中科院测地所,研究人员2002.10-现在:中科院测地所,研究员2005年05月-2005年11月:墨尔本皇家理工大学空间与数学科学学院,高级访问学者,研究员2010年01月-2010年11月:中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所,中科院动力大地测量学重点实验室副主任,研究员2011年11月-现在:中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所,大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室副主任,研究员
简 历:
- 1、2017年11月-2019年12月,国际大地测量学术刊物《Journal of Geodesy》(JG)编委;2、2018年1月-2021年12月,国际华人GPS协会(CPGPS)副主席(2018- 2019)、主席(2020-2021);3、2003年1月-至今,国际IGS 电离层工作组成员;4、2013年12月-至今,湖北测绘学会大地测量专业委员会主任;5、2008年1月-至今,国际学术刊物《Journal of GPS》 (JGPS) 副主编、编委;6、2014年1月-2022年12月,《测绘学报》编委;7、2019年1月-2023年12月,国际学术刊物《Satellite Navigation》副主编;8、2017年1月-2021年12月,际学术刊物《Earth and Planetary Physics》(EPP)编委;9、2007年1月-2021年12月,《大地测量与地球动力学》(英文:2007年-2012年)编委;10、2016年1月-2019年12月,《导航定位学报》编委;11、2011年-2018年,第八、九届中国科协全国委员会委员
- (1)GNSS空间环境(电离层对流层)(2)GNSS导航定位定轨(3)GNSS测量数据处理(4)现代测量误差理论(5)GNSS软件及高技术应用
- 1、协同精密定位技术,国家重点研发计划,2016-2021;
- 1、An Improvement To Ionospheric Delay Correction For Single Frequency GPS user—the APR-I Scheme. Journal of Geodesy,2001
2、Auto-Covariance Estimation of Variable Samples (ACEVS) and Its Application for Monitoring Random Ionosphere Using GPS. Journal of Geodesy,2001.
3、Differential Areas for Differential Stations (DADS):A New Method of Establishing Grid Ionospheric Model. Chinese Science Bulletin,2002
4、Preliminary results and analyses of using IGS GPS data to determine global ionospheric TEC. Progress in Natural Science,2003
5、Ionospheric Eclipse Factor Method (IEFM) for determining the Ionospheric Delay Using GPS Data. Progress in Natural Science,2004
6、A generalized trigonometric series function model for determining ionospheric delay. Progress in Natural Science,2004
7、Models and Methods for precise determination of ionospheric delays using GPS. Progress in Natural Science,2007
8、The ionospheric eclipse factor method (IEFM) and its application to determining the ionospheric delay for GPS,Journal of geodesy,2008
9、Refining the Klobuchar Ionospheric coefficients Based on GPS Observations. IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems,2008
10、Three- dimensional ionospheric tomography by an improved algebraic reconstruction technique. GPS solutions,2007
11、Ionospheric spatial and temporal variations during 18 August 2003 storm over China. Earth Planets and Space,2007
12、Monitoring the 3-dimensional ionospheric electron density distribution using GPS observation over China. Journal of Earth System Science,2007
13、A hybrid reconstruction algorithm for 3-D ionospheric tomography. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2008
14、An improved regularization method for estimating near real-time systematic errors suitable for medium-long GPS baselines solutions. Earth Planets and Space,2008
15、Bailey Monitoring the global-scale winter anomaly of total electron contents using GPS data. Earth Planets and Space,2009
16、A model analysis method on the effect of second-order ionospheric delay on GPS positioning. Chinese Science Bulletin,2010
17、Reliability Analysis for a Robust M-Estimator. Journal of Surveying Engineering,2011
18、Yaw attitude of eclipsing GPS satellites and its impact on solutions from precise point positioning,Chinese Science Bulletin,2010
19、Ionospheric response to the magnetic storm on 21 August 2003 over China using GPS-based tomographic technique .IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2010
20、Monitoring the Daytime Variations of Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly using IONEX data and CHAMP GPS data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2011
21、Strategy of Data Processing for GPS Rover and Reference Receivers Using Different Sampling Rates. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2011
22、Ionospheric electron concentra- tion imaging using combing of LEO Satellites Data with Ground-based GPS Observations over China. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2011
23、 A new global zenith tropo- spheric delay model IGGtrop for GNSS applications. Chinese Science Bulletin,doi: 2012.
24、Two-step method for the determination of the differential code biases ofCOMPASSsatellites. Journal of geodesy,2012.
25、Extraction of line-of-sight ionosph- eric observables from GPS data using precise point positioning.SCIENCECHINA-EARTHSCIENCES,2012
26、Determination of the Differential Code Bias for Current BDS Satellites. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2014.
27、New versions of the BDS/GNSS zenith tropospheric delay model IGGtrop,Journal of Geodesy,2015.
28、SHPTS: towards a new method for generating precise global ionospheric TEC map based on spherical harmonic and generalized trigonometric series functions. Journal of Geodesy,2015.
29、Dynamic statistical optimization of GNSS radio occultation bending angles: advanced algorithm and performance analysis. Atmos.Meas.Tech,2015
30、Determination of differential code biases with multi-GNSS observations. Journal of Geodesy,2016
31、QIF-based GPS Long-baseline Ambiguity Resolution with the Aid of Atmospheric Delays Determined by PPP,THEJOURNALOFNAVIGATION.
32、An examination of the Galileo NeQuick model: comparison with GPS and JASON TEC,GPS Solutions,2016
33、A new analytical solar radiation pressure modelIGGBSPMfor current BDS satellites. Scientific Reports,2016
34、Initial Results of Precise Orbit Determination for the New-Generation BeiDou Satellites (BeiDou-3) Based on the iGMAS Network. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information,2016
35、On the short-term temporal variations of GNSS receiver differential phase biases. Journal of Geodesy,2016.
36、GLONASSpseu- dorange inter-channel biases considerations when jointly estima- ting GPS andGLONASSclock.GPS Solutions,2017
37、Multi-GNSS precise point positioning (MGPPP) using raw observationsand preliminary results. Journal of Geodesy,2017
38、Estimation and analysis of Galileo differential code biases. Journal of Geodesy,2017
39、Characteristics of the global thermal tropopause derived from multiple radio occultation measurements. Atmospheric Research,2017
40、An evaluation of real-time troposphere estimation based on GNSS Precise Point Positioning. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 2017.
41、GPS PPP-derived precipitable water vapor retrieval based on Tm/Ps from multiple sources of meteorological data sets in China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.2017
42、A modified geometry-free and ionosphere-free combination for static three-carrier ambiguity resolution,GPS Solutions,2017.
43、Determination of the optimized single-layer ionospheric height for electron content measurements over China,Journal of Geodesy,2017
44、Multi-dimensional distribution of near-field ionospheric distur- bances produced by the 2015 Mw7.8 Nepal earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2017
45、Joint estimation of vertical total electron content (VTEC) and satellite differential code biases (SDCBs) using low-cost receivers,2017,Journal of Geodesy
46、GPS receiver phase biases estimable in PPP-RTK networks: dynamic characterization and impact analysis. Journal of Geodesy,2017
47、Consistency of seven different GNSS global ionospheric mapping techniques during one solar cycle.Journal of Geodesy,2017
48、A Method of Generating Grid-based Tropospheric Product Using A GNSS Network,Case Study: China,Journal of Geodesy,2017
49、Estimation and analysis of the short-term variations of multi-GNSS receiver differential code biases using global ionosphere maps,Journal of Geodesy,2017
50、Real-Time Precise Point Positioning (RTPPP) with raw observations and its application in real-time regional ionospheric VTEC modeling. Journal of Geodesy,2018
51、GPS,BDS and Galileo ionospheric correction models: An evaluation in range delay and position domain. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,2018
52、A modified carrier-to-code leveling method for retrieving ionospheric observables and detecting short-term temporal variability of receiver differential code biases. Journal of Geodesy,2018.
53、Performance of various predicted GNSS global ionospheric maps relative to GPS and JASON TEC data. GPS Solutions,2018.
54、IGGtrop_SH and IGGtrop_rH: two improved empirical tropospheric delay models based on vertical reduction functions . IEEE TGRS,2018.
55、A modified mix-differenced approach for estimating multi-GNSS real-time satellite clock offsets. GPS Solutions 2018.
56、Ionosphere Sensing With a Low-Cost,Single-Frequency,Multi-GNSS Receiver. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,August 2018.
57、Multi-GNSS triple-frequency differential code bias (DCB) determination with precise point positioning (PPP). Journal of Geodesy,2018.
58、Combined GPS+BDS instantaneous single- and dual-frequency RTK positioning: stochastic modeling and performance assessment. Journal of Spatial Science,2018
59、PPP-RTK based on undifferenced and uncombined observations: theoretical and practical aspects. Journal of Geodesy,2019
60、Single-frequency precise point positioning (PPP) for retrieving ionospheric TEC from BDS B1 data. GPS Solutions,2019
61、One-Step Method for Five-System Ultra-Rapid Precise Orbit Determination Based on the Double-Difference Observation Model and Software Development. Remote Sensing,2019
62、Analysis of the stochastic characteristics of GPS/BDS/Galileo multi-frequency observables with different types of receivers. Journal: Journal of Spatial Science,2019
63、The BeiDou Global Broadcast Ionospheric Delay Correction Model (BDGIM) and Its Preliminary Performance Evaluation Results.NAVIGATION,2019
64、A real-time precipitable water vapor monitoring system using the national GNSS network of China: method and preliminary results. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2019
65、An efficient undifferenced method for estimating multi-GNSS high-rate clock corrections with data streams in real time. Journal of Geodesy,2019.
66、A three-step method for determining unhealthy time period of GPS satellite orbit in broadcast ephemeris and its preliminary applications for precise orbit determination. Remote Sensing 2019
67、Multi-GNSS inter system biases: estimability analysis and impact on RTK positioning .GPS Solutions (2019)
68、Use of modified carrier-to-code leveling to analyze temperature dependence of multi-GNSS receiver DCB and retrieve ionospheric TEC. GPS Solutions,2019
69、Simultaneous Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) and Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) by Low-cost Multi-GNSS Single-frequency Receivers. Earth and Space Science,2019
70、A new algorithm for the retrieval of atmospheric profiles from GNSS radio occultation data in moist air and comparison to 1DVar retrievals. Remote Sensing,2019 .
- 2019年庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念章