- 姓名: 李莹
- 性别: 女
- 职称: 副研究员
- 职务:
- 学历: 博士
- 电话:
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: liying2017@apm.ac.cn
- 所属部门: 测量与导航研究部
- 通讯地址: 湖北省武汉市武昌区小洪山西30号
2005年9 月 – 2009 年7月 中国地质大学(武汉)学习,测绘工程专业,全日制本科,获得工学学士学位。
2009年10月 – 2013 年12月,澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT University),博士学位,导师张克非教授
2011年–2013.12,奥地利格拉兹大学联合培养,导师Gottfried Kirchengast 院士
简 历:
(8)多源数据融合软件,中国科学院“鸿鹄”A类先导专项, 2018.11-2022.12,软件研制,主持
1)Li,Y.,Kirchengast,G.,Scheaerz,M. and Yuan,B.:Monitoring sudden stratospheric warmings under climate change since 1980 based on reanalysis data verified by radio occultation,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,2023,23,1259–1284.
2)Li,Y.,Yuan,Y.,Song,M. Using GNSS Radio Occultation Data to Monitor Tropical Atmospheric Anomalies during the January–February 2009 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event. Remote Sensing,2022,14,3234.
3)Li,Y.;Kirchengast,G.,Schwaerz,M.,Ladstaedter,F.,Yuan,Y. Monitoring sudden stratospheric warmings using radio occultation: a new approach demonstrated based on the 2009 event. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,2021,14(3),2327-2343.
4)Li,Y.,Yuan,Y. and Wang X.:Assessments of the Retrieval of Atmospheric Profiles from GNSS radio occultation data in moist tropospheric conditions using radiosonde data. Remote Sensing,2020,12,2717.
5)Wei J,Li Y,Zhang K,et al. An Evaluation of Fengyun-3C Radio Occultation Atmospheric Profiles Over 2015–2018. Remote Sensing,2020,12(13):2116
6)Li,Y.,Kirchengast,G.,Scherllin-Pirscher,B.,Schwaerz,M.,Nielsen,J.K.,Ho,S. and Yuan,Y.:A new algorithm for the retrieval of atmospheric profiles from GNSS radio occultation data in moist air and comparison to 1DVar retrievals. Remote Sensing,2019,11,2729.
7)Li,Y.,Kirchengast,G.,Scherllin-Pirscher,B.,Norman,R.,Yuan,Y.B.,Schwaerz,M.,Fritzer,J. and Zhang,K.:Dynamic statistical optimization of GNSS radio occultation bending angles: an advanced algorithm and its performance analysis. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,2015,8,3447?3465.
8)Li,Y.,Kirchengast,G.,Scherllin-Pirscher,B.,Wu,S.,Schwaerz,M.,Fritzer,J.,Zhang,S.,Carter,B.A. and Zhang,K.:A new dynamic approach for statistical optimization of GNSS radio occultation bending angles for optimal climate monitoring utility. Journal of Geophysical Research -Atmospheres,2013,118,13,022–13,040.
9)Liu,C.,Kirchengast,G.,Sun,Y.,Zhang,K.,Norman,R.,Schwaerz,M.,Bai,W.,Du,Q. and Li,Y.:Analysis of ionospheric structure influences on residual ionospheric errors in GNSS radio occultation bending angles based on ray tracing simulations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,2018,.11,2427–2440.
10)Li,M.,Yuan,Y.B.,Wang,N.B.,and Li,Z.S. Li,Y. and Huo,X.L.,Estimation and analysis of Galileo differential code biases. Journal of Geodesy,2017, 91, 3, 279–293.
11)Wang,N.,Yuan,Y.,Li,Z.,Li.,Y.,Huo,X. and Li,M.:An examination of the Galileo NeQuick model: comparison with GPS and JASON TEC,GPO Solution,21,2,2017.
12)Zhang,H.,Yuan,Y.,Li,W.,Ou,J.,Li,Y. and Zhang,B.:GPS PPP-derived perceptible water vapor retrieval based on Tm/Ps from multiple sources of meteorological data sets in China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2017,122(8):4165-4183.
13)Zhang,H,Yuan,Y.,Li,W.,Li,Y. and Chai,Y.:Assessment of three tropospheric delay models (IGGtrop,EGNOS and UNB3m) based on precise point positioning in the Chinese region. Sensors,2016,16(1).
14)霍星亮,袁运斌,欧吉坤,李莹,李子申和王宁波,顾及电离层变化的层析反掩新算法. 地球物理学报,2016,59(7),2393-2401.
15)Liu,C.L.,Kirchengast,G.,Zhang,K,Norman,R.,Li,Y.,Zhang,S.,Fritzer,J,Schwaerz,M.,Wu,S.Q. and Tan,Z.X.,Quantifying residual ionospheric errors in GNSS radio occultation bending angles based on ensembles of profiles from end-to-end simulations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,2015,8,2999?3019.
16)Norman,R.,Marshall,J.,Zhang,K.,Wang,C.S.,Carter,B.,Rohm,W,Manning,T.,Gordon,S.,and Li,Y.:Comparing GPS Radio Occultation Observations with radiosonde measurements in the Australian Region,Earth on the Edge: Science for a sustainable Planet,International Association,Springer,2014.
17)Zhang,K.,Zhang,S.,Marshall,J.,Kirchengast,G.,Norman,R.,Li,Y.,Liu,C.,and Carter,B.:A new Australian GNSS radio occultation data processing platform. International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Society,IGNSS Symposium,2013.
18)Zhang,K.,Marshall,J.,Norman,R.,Wang,C.,Fu,E.,Li,Y. and Kuleshov,Y.:A study on the relationship between ionospheric correction and data control for GPS radio occultation in Australia. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium,Honolulu,Hawaii,USA,2010.