- 姓名: 崇加军
- 性别: 男
- 职称: 副研究员
- 职务:
- 学历: 研究生
- 电话:
- 传真:
- 电子邮件: jiajunchong@whigg.ac.cn
- 所属部门: 大地测量与地球动力学国家重点实验室
- 通讯地址: 湖北省武汉市徐东大街340号
- 崇加军,男,副研究员,从事地球物理学研究研究兴趣:
美国地球物理学会会员(AGU) 2008年-至今
中国地球物理学会会员 2006年-至今工作经历:
副研究员 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院 2017.01-至今
助理研究员 中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所 2014.06至2017.01
博士后 台湾中央研究院地球科学所 2013.06至2014.05
博士 中国科学技术大学 地球物理专业 2007.09至2013.06
访问学者 加州大学伯克利 地震学实验室 2010.09至2012.07
本科 中国科学技术大学 地球物理专业 2003.08至2007.07学术论文:
1. Jiajun Chong, Risheng Chu, Sidao Ni, et al., Receiver Function HV Ratio, a New Measurement for Reducing Non-uniqueness of Receiver Function Waveform Inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 2018
2. Heopeng Chen, Sidao Ni, Rishneg Chu, Jiajun Chong, Liangbao Zhu. Influence of off-great-circle propagation of Rayleigh waves on event-based surface wave tomography in Northeast China, Geophysical Journal International, 2018
3. Ping Ping, Risheng Chu, Jiajun Chong, Insight into large-scale topography on analysis of high-frequency Rayleigh waves, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017
4. Jiajun Chong etal., Joint Inversion of Body-Wave Receiver Function and Rayleigh-Wave Ellipticity, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2016
5. Jiajun Chong, Sidao Ni and Li Zhao, Joint Inversion of Crustal Structure with the Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Dispersion and the ZH Ratio Pure Appl. Geophys. 2015, 172: 2585–2600
6. Z.J. Wang, J.J. Chong*, S.D. Ni, and B. Romanowicz, Determination of focal depth by two waveform-based methods: A case study for the 2008 Panzhihua earthquake, Earthq Sci., 2011, 24: 321-328
7. J.J. Chong, S.D. Ni. Near Surface velocity and Qs Structure of the Quaternary Sediment in Bohai Basin, China. Earthq Sci (2009) 22:451-458
8. Y.Y. Liu, J.J. Chong, S.D. Ni, Near surface wave velocity structure in Chinese Capital region based on borehole seismic records, Acta Seismologica Sinica, 33:342-350, 2011. (in Chinese)
9. J.J. Chong, S.D. Ni, X.F. Zeng. sPL, an effective seismic phase for determining focal depth at near distance[J] Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2010,V53(11):2620-2630 (in Chinese)
10. S.J. Wei, S.D. Ni, J.J. Chong, Y. Zheng, Y. Chen. The 16 August 2003 Chifeng earthquake: Is it a lower crust earthquake? Chinese Journal Geophysics,2009, 52(1) 111-119 (in Chinese)
11. R.S. Fu, K.S. Wan, J.J. Chong, T.X. Xue. Earthquake auspice or other factor ?—Discuss with authors of the paper “The short-term anomalies detected by broadband seismographs before the May 12 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China” Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2009, 52(2) 584-589 (in Chinese)
12. Y. Luo, J.J. Chong, S.D. Ni, et al. Moho depth and sedimentary thickness in Capital region, Chinese J. Geophys. 2008, 51(4):1135~1145 (in Chinese)
13. J.P. Huang, J.J. Chong, S.D. Ni. Inversing the crustal thickness under the stations of China via H-Kappa method, Journal of Univ. of Sci. and Tech. CHN. 2008, Vol.38,No.1 (in Chinese)
简 历:
- 地球物理
- 青年基金,面上基金,中科院青年促进会人才支撑项目