2022年学术报告 (一) 报告题目:Szego Limit Theorem and “Mean Field Equations”
报 告 人:胡烨耀 教授 中南大学
时 间:2022年1月7日(周五)14:30 -- 15:30
地 点:M楼1217报告厅
摘要:In this talk, we will review the classic Lebedev Milin inequality and Szego limit theorem on S1. PDE approach is adopted to establish infinitely many inequalities involving higher order “moments” through classifying the solutions of “Mean field equation” on S1. Higher dimensional analogues will be mentioned if time permits.
报告题目:Szego Limit Theorem and “Mean Field Equations”
报 告 人:胡烨耀 教授 中南大学
时 间:2022年1月7日(周五)14:30 -- 15:30
地 点:M楼1217报告厅
摘要:In this talk, we will review the classic Lebedev Milin inequality and Szego limit theorem on S1. PDE approach is adopted to establish infinitely many inequalities involving higher order “moments” through classifying the solutions of “Mean field equation” on S1. Higher dimensional analogues will be mentioned if time permits.