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来源:     时间:2021-09-27

  报告题目:Accelerating rate for the monostable reaction-diffusion equation with a fractional Laplacian

  报 告 人:赵铭锋 讲师 天津大学

  时 间:2021年9月30日(周五)9:00 --10:00

  地 点:新波谱楼(M楼)12楼1217报告厅



  In this talk, I will talk about something about the propagation speed in monostable fractional reaction-diffusion equation. More precisely, by constructing some super and subsolution, for the generalized Fisher-KPP model, we can obtain an optimal upper bound(optimal is critical line for the existence of the plane traveling wave) and a very rough lower bound for the propagation asymptotic behavior. As a consequence, we can get the optimal upper and lower bound for the combustion model in the supercritical fractional Laplcian case. This is a joint work with Professor Jerome Coville and Professor Changfeng Gui .